Retail Week Live goes live!

In March we put the 'live' in Retail Week Live with two days of live streaming from the retail industry's thought-leading conference. Watch the highlights here:


In parallel with Retail Week Live was the TechSprint, a 24 hour hack to find a new way to distribute good in the digital age. Silverstream created 8 films during the 24 hour event. Here's the final report:


Tim Willoughby, Event Director Retail Week Live, said: 

"I really like working with Silverstream. We were doing live streaming for the first time this year. For us that was a bit scary, because it was new and different. But Silverstream obviously have the technology and have the experience and I trust them to deliver that.  I hand it all over to them and know that it will be a fantastic experience, fantastic quality. So it's been incredibly easy and they've probably got me out of a few pickles!"

Watch the highlights: